

"Escape" is the 2013 Nobel prize winner of Canadian short stories of Queen Alice Monroe (also translated Alice Munro) representative, and was awarded the Man Booker International Award in 2009, the writer introduced from abroad the first Chinese simplified works, a total of eight articles included works, embodies a concentrated reflection of Alice Monroe's literary attainments.

《逃离》是由几部短篇小说而组成的, 主人公都是平凡的女人,她们都来自城郊小镇, 在小说里同命运: 她们为自己的感情而烦恼, 被爱情所困惑, 为激情而一时冲动。她们同样渴望爱情, 寻觅真爱, 但同时又不知所措……其中短篇《匆匆》讲的是曾经是书呆子的未婚妈妈朱丽叶,与在小镇上居住的做教师的父母以及带着两个孩子的22岁丧偶的保姆艾琳的故事。

"Escape" is composed of several short stories and composition, the protagonist is ordinary woman, they are from suburban town, in the novel the same destiny: their own feelings and troubles, was puzzled by the love, passion and impulse to. They are longing for love, the search for true love, but at the same time and at a loss...... The short story "hastily" is about once a nerd unmarried mother Juliet, and as a teacher and parents live in a small town with two children 22 years old widowed nanny Aileen story.