英语作文 美国学校的生活与我们学校生活有什么不同

Life in American schools are very much different from the schools in China. They are more focused on the activities of the students and their daily performance whereas in China, the schools are more focused on the students results. Also, the American education looks more into the students understanding power but chinese education is mainly about memorization. The students in America have to sit for tests almost everyday but they donot usually have alot of homework to do. Instead of homework, they have projects and activities. The chinese students have alot of homework and only a few tests. The schools in America also arranges alot of school activites and outings for the students to interact more with the things they are learning or studying about. In china, the informations and knowledge are mainly obtained from the books which makes the lessons monotonous unlike the lessons in then American schools. The amount of students in each class in American schools also differs from the amount in the China. There are around 20-30 students in each class but there are almost 40-50 students in each class in China. This greatly decreases the amount of interactions between the teacher with one student. The timings in American schools also differs, the schools usually ends at 2pm because each class only lasts for 45mins as they think the brain works best in the first 45 mins and needs a break after that. In China, the schools end at 4pm and usually each lesson last for an hour or two.
