haze\x0d\N-VAR (阴)霾;雾霭 Haze is light mist, caused by particles of water or dust in the air, which prevents you from seeing distant objects clearly. Haze often forms in hot weather.\x0d\N-SING 雾状物 If there is a haze of something such as smoke or steam, you cannot see clearly through it.\x0d\N-SING 迷糊;懵懂 If someone is in a haze, they are not thinking clearly or not really noticing what is happening around them.\x0d\\x0d\smog\x0d\N-VAR 烟雾(烟与雾的混合物,见于某些重工业城市) Smog is a mixture of fog and smoke which occurs in some busy industrial cities.\x0d\\x0d\从英文释义上看,haze强调的是薄雾,形成于炎热天气,smog没有强调天气,所以smog更正式些。