
1995年 学习发型设计,并开设第一间天宝星专业美发沙龙。

1995 Learning Hair Style Design, in the meanwhile setting up the first TianBaoXing Hair Salon.

1996年 开始自学化妆,并开始接触时装电视领域的造型设计工作。

1996 Learning makeup on his own and set foot in the styling design of fashion TV shows.

1999年 东渡日本学习日式发型、化妆。

1999 Studying Japanese Hairstyle and makeup in Japan.

2000年 回国后开始职业彩妆教育、电视栏目和大型演唱会的造型设计工作。

2000 Undertaking professional cosmetics training and styling design for TV shows and large concerts when he comes back to China.

2001年 在北京举行个人彩妆发布会。

2001 Holding individual cosmetics release conference in Beijing.

2002年 开始全面推广明星整体形象设计理念。

2002 Popularizing the idea of Celebrity Overall Design.

2003年 成为中央电视台金牌栏目《同一首歌》主持人及明星首席造型师。

2003 Being the host and chief star stylist for the well-known show The Same Song in CCTV.

2004年 中国化妆艺术研创中心专家。

2004 Being an expert of China Cosmetic Research and Creation Centre.

2005年 中国十大顶级造型师排名首席。

2005 Being No.1 on the list of Ten Top stylists in China.

2005年 策划拍摄《迷。本色张咪》写真,集轰动时尚界。

2005 Planning the shooting of Enigma: a true Zhang Mi and the photo album for Ms Zhang Mi make a hit in Fashion world.

2005年 赴法国、瑞士拍摄超模郭桦《奢华写真》。

2005 Shooting Luxury Photo Album for Super Model Guo Hua in France and Switzerland.

2005年 成立宋策明星视觉造型摄影工作室。

2005 Setting up Star Visualize Design Studio.

2005年 创办宋策亚洲风尚美彩妆教育-北京学校。

2005 Establishing Song Ce’s Asian Stylish Beauty Cosmetics School in Beijing.

2005年 CCTV-4 首次开设以彩妆师命名的栏目《东方时尚-宋策讲堂》,并全球播出。

2005 CCTV-4 presents the Oriental Fashion: Song Ce’s Schoolroom, which is the first time for CCTV to name a show by a stylist. The show is played globally.

2006年 中央电视台《时尚中国》彩妆大赛评委。

2006 Presenting as a jury for Cosmetics Contest held by Fashion China in CCTV.

2006年 中央电视台《中国音乐电视》、《星光大道》、《名将之约》造型总设计。

2006 Presenting as chief stylist for TV shows such as China MTV, Avenue of Stars, and Date with Sport Stars in CCTV.

2006年 凤凰卫视《名人面对面》造型设计。

2006 Presenting as stylist for Star Face in PHTV.

2006-2008年 前往法国、意大利、瑞士、美国游历学习。

2006-2008 Experiencing study tours in France, Italy, Switzerland and USA.

2006-2007年 MAC时尚彩妆发布特邀贵宾。

2006-2007 Presenting as the special guest in MAC cosmetics launch.

2007年 中国国际时装周彩妆大赛评委。

2007 Presenting as a jury for Cosmetic Contest of International Fashion Week in China.

2007年 雅虎中文网《宋策时尚殿堂》主持讲师。

2007 Presenting as the host of Song Ce’s Fashion Palace on

2009年 改革开放30年行业特别贡献奖。

2009 Be honored with the Special Achievement Award during the 30 years’ Reform and Opening in China.

2009年 当代中国最具影响力的造型大师。

2009 Be awarded as the most influential stylist in contemporary China.

2001-2009年 超过100场大型女性美容及形象讲座历程,被时尚女性称之为“彩妆医生”。

2001-2009 Offering more than 100 lectures concerning Female Beauty and style and is known as “Doc. Cosmetic”.

2010年(第三十三届) 巴黎世界杯化妆大赛,中国区选拔赛评委。

2010 Presenting as a jury during the qualification phase in China of Paris World Cup Makeup Contest.


2010 Presenting as a jury of National Top 10 on Hairstyle and Makeup Contest.


2010 Presenting as a jury at final Contest of National Top 10 Styling Designers on Photographic Makeup.


2010 Presenting as a jury of the Nineteenth National Hairstyle& Cosmetic Contest


2010 Song Ce’s Asian Stylish Beauty is published and distributed all over Asia.



