
四年来(for four years),纽曼(Newman)在她的水下传送带上(on her underwater moving belt)观察水肺潜水者模拟月球和火星行走(observed scuba divers as they stimulated walking on the Moon and on Mars)

as 后面的句子是时间状语从句,形容在.....时候。“Newman observed scuba divers as they simulated walking on the Moon and on Mars ”这句话单独拿出来楞翻译就是说“纽曼观察水肺潜水员,在他们进行月球和火星行走的时候”

如果读这个句子弄不清楚从句主句关系的话你就看形容的是谁,然后分开看。比如说Newman是一个女的,后面的her underwater moving belt肯定就是形容她的。Scuba divers是负数,所以they stimulated后面的句子肯定是形容他们的。分开啦就是For four years Newman observed scuba divers on her underwater moving belt. Scuba divers stimulated walking on the Moon and on Mars.