message与point的区别?
区别在于:
message指的是消息;信息;要旨;教训。
point指的是点;要点;得分;标点。
例句辨析:
1、I
got
a
message
you
were
trying
to
reach
me.
我收到一条留言,说你想跟我联系。
2、The
report's
message
was
unequivocal.
报告中传达的信息是明确的。
3、People
who
message
a
lot
feel
unpopular
if
they
don't
get
many
back.
如果人们发出大量短信但收到的回复却不多,就会觉得自己不受欢迎。
point
1、'Did
ask
you
to
talk
to
me?'
—
'That's
not
the
point.'
“我请你跟我谈了吗?”——“问题不在这儿。”
2、What
was
the
point
of
thinking
about
him?
想他有什么用呢?
3、Many
of
the
points
in
the
report
are
correct.
报告中的很多细节是正确的。