1. Manfred:Look, if either of you rhinos make it across that sinkhole in front of you, the sloth is yours.
Sid:That's right, you losers! You take one step and you're dead!
[Sid throws a rock, which bounces across the sinkhole without leaving so much as a crack]
Sid:You were bluffing, right?
Manfred:Yeah, that was a bluff.
2. Manfred:Don't you have some poor, defenseless animal to disembowel?
3. Sid:[Dragging a stick] Phew! I'm beat.
Manfred:That's your shelter?
Sid:Hey, you're a big guy, you got a lot of wood. I'm a little guy.
Manfred:You got half a stick.
Sid:Yes, but with this stick and my highly developed brain...
[accidentally pokes himself in the eye with stick]
Sid:Ow!... I shall create fire.
Sid:We'll see whether brains triumph over brawn tonight, won't we?
[Later, Sid is trying to light a fire in the rain, while Manfred is dry under his shelter]
Manfred:Hey, I think I say a spark.
4. Sid:Ha ha! Eat my powder!
5. Soto:What are you doing?
Diego:Leave the mammoth alone.
Soto:Fine. I'll take you down first.
6. Diego:Hello, ladies.
Saber-Toothed Tiger:Hey, look who finally decided to show up.
Soto:Diego. I was beginning to worry about you.
Diego:No need to worry. In about two minutes you'll be satisfying your taste for revenge.
Soto:Very nice.
7. Sid:Can I hang out with you?
Manfred:Sure! Climb on my back and let's go!
8. [Manfred just grabbed the baby]
Diego:Um, that pink thing is mine.
9. Soto:Will you look at the beautiful baby, Diego? Isn't it nice that he'll be joining us for breakfast?
Diego:It wouldn't be breakfast without him.
Soto:Especially after his daddy killed half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm.
Diego:We'll teach that human what happens when he messes with sabers.
Soto:Alert the troops. We attack at dawn. And Diego? Bring me the baby, alive. If I'm going to enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh.
10. Sid:This is great. Two bachelors knocking about in the wild.
Manfred:No, you just want a bodyguard so you don't become somebody's side dish.
Sid:You are a very shrewd mammal. Okay, big guy, you lead the way, uh... I didn't catch the name.
Sid:Manfred? Yuck, man. How about Manny the moody mammoth? Manny the melancholy? Manny the...
Manfred:Stop following me.
11. Manfred:Look at you. Some great predator you'll grow up to be. I don't think so. What do you have? Just a little patch of fur. No fangs, no claws. You're just folds of skin wrapped in... mush. What's so threatening about you?
12. Zeke:Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! I can't wait to get my paws on that mammoth.
Soto:Nobody touches the mammoth until I get that baby.
Zeke:First I will slice its hindquarters in sections. I'll put the white meat on one pile, and the dark meat on another.
Saber-Toothed Tiger:Hey, knock it off! I'm starving!
Zeke:Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.
Saber-Toothed Tiger:I said knock it off!
13. Diego:Maybe we shouldn't do this.
Sid:Why not?
Diego:If we save it, he will grow up to be a hunter, and who do you think he will hunt?
Sid:Maybe because we saved him, he won't hunt us.
Diego:And maybe it will grow fur and a long, skinny neck and call you "mommy".
14. Dodo #1:Prepare for the Ice Age!
Dodo #2:Protect the dodo way of life!
Dodo #3:Survival separates the dodos from the beasts!
15. Sid:Slalom, baby!
16. Sid:They migrated without me. They do this every year.
17. Manfred:What are you doing, just toss it on the ledge!
[the baby lands on the edge, and crawls away]
Sid:Shouldn't we see if they've found him?
Manfred:Good idea!
[Throws a protesting Sid up after the baby]
Sid:Don't spear me!
[looks around]
Sid:Ooohhh, this is a problem...
Manfred:Now what?
[sees the abandoned campsite]
Manfred:Oh, that's perfect!
18. Frank:Hey, do the world a favor! Move your issues off the road!
Manfred:If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't call attention to myself.
19. Sid:Well, I think mating for life is stupid. I mean, there's plenty of Sid to go around.
20. Diego:At the bottom of Half Peak... there's an ambush waiting for you.
Manfred:What are you talking about?
Manfred:You set us up.
Diego:It was my job. I was supposed to get the baby, but then...
Manfred:But then you brought us home for dinner.
Sid:That's it! You're out of the herd!
21. Manny:AAAH!
22. [Diego makes a huge jump]
Sid:I wish I could jump like that.
Manfred:[kicking Sid] Wish granted!
23. Sid:Isn't there anybody who cares about Shid the Shlof?
24. Sid:mmm... Pineconeshhh.
25. Sid:You have beautiful eyeshhh.
26. Dodo:Tae Kwon Dodos, attack!
27. Carl:Save it for a mammal who cares!
28. Diego:I'm working here, you waste of fur!
29. Frank:Oh, carnivores have all the fun.
30. Manfred:Oh, isn't there someone else you can annoy? Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles?
31. Dodo:There goes our last female.
32. Glypto #1:Say, where's Eddie?
Glypto #2:He said something about being on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough.
Glypto #1:Really?
[Eddie is seen running off a cliff in the background]
Eddie:I'm flying.
Glypto #1:Some breakthrough.
33. [Sid is drawing a sloth with chalk]
Diego:What are you doing?
Sid:I'm putting sloths on the map.
Manfred:Why don't you make him more realistic and draw him lying down.
Diego:And make him rounder.
[Manfred draws a pot belly on Sid's drawing]
Sid:Ha, ha. I forgot how to laugh.
34. [to an animal whose dung he has stepped in]
Sid:Hey, widebody, curb it next time.
35. [Sid's trying to use the baby to get attention from girls]
Sid:I'm begging you. I need him.
Manny:What, a good-looking guy like you?
Sid:Aw, you say that, but you don't mean it.
Manny:No, seriously, look at you. Aw, those ladies, they don't stand a chance.
Sid:You have a very cruel sense of humor.
36. Dodo:Prepare for the Ice Age.
Sid:Ice Age?
Diego:I've heard of these crackpots.
37. Diego:You don't know much about tracking, do you?
Sid:Hey, I'm a sloth. I see a tree, eat a leaf. That's my tracking.
38. Manfred:Hey, Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.
[Sid looks up at the mountain they will have to climb]
Sid:No thanks, I choose life.
Diego:Then I suggest you take the shortcut.
Sid:Are you threatening me?
39. Sid:Hey, my feet are sweating.
Diego:Do we need a news flash every time your body does something?
Manfred:He's doing it for attention. Just ignore him...
40. Diego:I'm... sorry I set you up.
Sid:Ah, you know me, I'm too lazy to hold a grudge.
41. Diego:WHOO. YEAH. Who's up for round two?
Diego:Um... tell-tell the kid to be more careful.
42. Diego:The baby? Please. I was just returning it to its herd.
Sid:Oh, yeah. Nice try, Bucktooth.
Diego:You calling me a liar?
Sid:I didn't say that.
Diego:You were thinking it.
Sid:[whispering, to Manny] I don't like this cat. He reads minds.
43. [the tigers find out the "baby" is a snow decoy]
Sid:Sorry, fellas! He got a little frostbite!
44. Diego:Why did you do that? you could've died trying to rescue me.
Manfred:That's what you do in a herd, you look out for one another.
45. Manfred:There is no US.
Diego:I see. You couldn't have one of your own so you decided to adopt.
46. Dodo:If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, then doom on you.
Other Dodos:[chanting] Doom on you. Doom on you. Doom on you. Doom on...
Manfred:Get away from me.
47. Female Sloth #1:He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family man these days.
Female Sloth #2:All of the sensitive ones get eaten.
48. Manfred:Check for poop.
Sid:Why am I the poop-checker?
Manfred:Because returning the runt was your idea, because you're small and insignificant, and because I'll pummel you if you don't.
Sid:Why else?
Manfred:NOW, SID.
49. [passing a Stonehenge-like structure]
Manfred:Modern architecture. It'll never last.
50. Sid:Awww, the big, bad Tigey-Wigey gets left behind. Poor Tigey-Wigey.
Manfred:Sid, Tigey-Wigey's gonna lead the way.
Sid:Uh, Manny, can I talk to you for a second?
Manfred:No. The sooner we get to Glacier Pass, the sooner I get rid of Mr. Stinky Droolface. And the baby, too.
Diego:You won't always have Jumbo around to protect you. And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back... 'cause I'll be chewing on it.
Manfred:Hey, "über"-tracker. Up front where I can see you.
51. Diego:Save your breath Sid, you know humans can't talk.
52. [last lines]
Sid:You know? This whole ice age thing is getting old. You know what I could go for? A global warming.
Diego:Keep dreaming.
Sid:No really...
53. Sid:I bet he's hungry.
Manny:How 'bout some milk?
Sid:Ooh, I'd love some.
Diego:Not you. The baby.
Sid:Well, I ain't exactly lactating right now, pal.
Diego:You're a little low on the food chain to be mouthing off, aren't...
54. [on Sid's clumsy attempts to scale a cliff]
Manfred:You're an embarrassment to Nature. Ya know that?
55. Manfred:Let's get something straight, ok? There's no "we". There never was a "we". In fact, without "me", it wouldn't even be a "you".
56. Manfred:I'm still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.
57. Manfred:If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful.
58. Sid:Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope
Sid:with their teeth.
Diego:Come on Sid, let's play tag. You're it.
59. [repeated line]
60. [first lines]
Glypyo#1:Well, why don't they call it The Big Chill? Or The Nippy Era? I'm just sayin', how do we know it's an Ice Age?
Glypyo#2:Because... of all...
Glypyo#2:the ice.
Glypyo#1:Well, things just got a little chillier.
61. Diego:I've eaten things that didn't complain this much.
62. Dodo:This is our private stockpile for the Ice Age. Sub arctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion, billion years.
Manfred:So you got three melons?
63. Manfred:Diego, spit that out. You don't know where it's been.
64. Manfred:Hey look at that. Dinner and a show.
65. Diego:Where's the baby... there he is. Where's the baby... there he is.
Manfred:Stop it. You're scaring him.
66. Sid:From now on, I'm gonna call you 'Diego...
Diego:...Lord of Touch Me and you're Dead.
67. Sid:From now on, you'll have to refer to me as 'Sid - Lord of the Flame'.
Manfred:Hey, Lord of the Flame, your tail's on fire.
68. Sid:I don't know about you guys but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen.
69. Manfred:Hey, he's wearing one of those baby thingies.
Manfred:So, if he poops, where does it go?
Sid:[pause] Humans are disgusting.
70. Diego:Is its nose dry?
Sid:That means there's something wrong with it.
Diego:Someone should lick it, just in case.
71. Sid:Hey, what's your problem?
Manfred:You are my problem.
Sid:Well, I think you're stressed, and that's why you eat so much. I mean, it's hard to get fat on a vegan diet.
Manfred:I'm not fat. It's all this hair. It makes me look poofy.
Sid:Fine. You have fat hair, but when you're ready to talk, I'm here.
72. Sid:For a second there, I actually thought you were gonna eat me.
Diego:I don't eat junk food.