1、《Why You Win or Lose: The Psychology of Speculation》,作者Fred C.Kelly
2、《乌合之众》(The Crowd:A Study of Popular Mind),作者Gustave Le Bon
3、《投资存亡战》(The Battle for Investment Survival),作者Gerald M. Loeb
4、《股票作手回忆录》(Reminiscences of a Stock Operator),作者Edwin Lefevre
5、《投资革命》(Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street),作者Peter L. Bernstein
6、《非同寻常的大众幻想与群众性癫狂》(Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds),作者Charles Mackay
7、《逆向思考的艺术》(The Art of Contrary Thinking),作者Humphrey B.neill
8、《Popular Financial Delusions》,作者Robert Lincoln Smitley
9、《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor:A Book of Practical Counsel),作者Benjamin Graham
10、《怎样选择成长股》(Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings),作者Philip A. Fisher