
一月 January  1、你说最爱我的那几年,不过如感染一场霍乱  You say all those years you loved me, just as a cholera infection  2、我给不了你全部,可我能给你我的全部  I can't give you everything, but I can give you all I have  3、感谢你曾带给我的美好  Thank you ever for bring me happiness  二月 February  1、今天是我们在一起的29个月整,我觉得我们要分手了  Today is we together of the 29 months, I think we are gonna break up  2、某年某月某一天,永不永不说再见  Once upon a day, never never say goodbye  3、原来爱情也是一种宿命  The love is a kind of fate  4、上帝叫我牵一只蜗牛去散步  God told me to lead a snail to go for a walk  三月 March  1、君生我未生,我生君已老  I haven't born when you were born ,You were already old when I was born  2、八重樱下  Under the BaChongYing  3、流浪歌手的情人  Stray singer's lover  4、半份礼物  Half of the gifts  四月 April  1、子欲孝而亲不待  Time do not wait for you to filial piety  2、用泪水和心声写给你,我亲爱的爸爸  For you, with tears and heart to write, my dear dad  3、不要吝啬“我爱你”  Don't scruple to say I love you  4、传递一个心愿  Send a wish  5、我们在人海里,悄悄走散  We become separated quietly in the sea of people  6、爸爸的约定  The provisions of the father  五月 May  1、母爱,是一场重复的辜负  A mother's love, is a repeated abuse  2、最漂亮的女人  The most beautiful woman  3、血色母爱  There will be a mother's love  4、亲爱的宝贝儿,我只是离开你一年零六个月  My dear baby, I only left you a year and six months  六月 June  1、兔小白和兔小灰  The small white rabbit and little gray rabbit  2、活了一百万次的猫  A cat lived one million times  3、有一种喜欢,无限的接近爱  There is a like, is infinite close to love  4、你所爱的样子  The way you love  七月 July  1、全世界已剧终,可我依然爱你  I still love you even when the word is end  2、爱,就是对你负责  Love, is responsible for you  3、微笑着流泪  Smile with tears  八月 August  1、天地原来可以如此宽广,爱原来可以如此豁达  Heaven and earth can turn out to be so broad, love can turn out to be so open-minded  2、死亡在前还是在后  Death in the first or last  3、太多的来不及  Too much ‘too late’  4、导盲犬的红线  The red rope of guide dogs  5、迟来的E-mail  The delayed E-mail  九月 September  1、在我身上你或许会看见秋天  You may see autumn in my body  2、一把伞送给这天  An umbrella for the day  3、原来命运就是这么安排的  Originally the fate is so arranged  4、如果当初我勇敢  If I brave at that time  十月 October  1、藏在被子里的爱  Hiding in the quilt of love  2、20块美金的时间  Time of 20 dollars  3、只有善良才能唤醒善良  Only goodness wakes up goodness  4、放手的价值  The value of letting go  5、不只你在贫穷中长大  Not only you grew up in poverty  十一月 November  1、谁应该进天堂  Who should go to heaven  2、最重要的决定  The most important decisions  3、52米高台上的母爱  52 meters high on the stage of a mother's love  4、如果你能幸福,别管我  If you can be happy, then don't worry about me  5、有些情只一段,但可以让人活一辈子  Some feelings only last for a period of time, but can make people live a lifetime  十二月 December  1、一转身,看见少年  Turned around and saw the boy  2、带一片风景走  Leaving me with a piece of scenery  3、途经你的盛放  Via your blossom  4、诠释爱的26个字母  Interpretation of the 26 letters of love