问题一:面试在英语里面怎么说? interview
正在面试 Interview in progress;Interview i progress;Interview Car in progress
压力面试stress interview;human resources Stress interview;PRESSURE INTERVIEW;stre interview
评价面试Appraisal interview;human resources Appraisal interview;A raisal interview
等待面试Waiting for an Interview
面试目标Interview Objective
面试示例Sample Interview
一对一面试one interview
结束面试Concluding the Interview
校友面试Alumni Interview
问题二:面试安排 用英语怎么说? 面试安排:Interview arrangement
问题三:“我已经参加了这个面试” 用英语怎么说? I have participated in this interview。我 已经参加了 这个 面试。
问题四:我希望得到公司面试的机会英文怎么说 I wish to have the oppotunity for an interview at your pany.
问题五:面试通过 用英语怎么说? 另“好几个面试,一个都没过”怎么翻译? 1. 动词短语:pass / get through the interview 通过面试
句子:The interview has been passed.面试已经通过。
或者:The interview has been got through.
2. None of the interviews has / have been passed.
问题六:面试者 和 面试官 用英语怎么说 interviewee
问题七:通过HR的面试用英语怎么说RT,用英语回答哦 通过HR的面试用英语怎么说RT,用英语回答哦
通过HR的面试,用英语是:passed the HR interview.
Mike: No, I already passed the HR interview.
问题八:被面试的人 英文怎么说 参加面试的人:interviewee
问题九:英语面试时怎么称呼考官? say hello or good morning good afternoon
that浮9;s OK
Ok, you can call the man sir, and the lady madam,but i think it will be better if you call the lady Ms.
问题十:很荣幸参加这次面试用英语 Hello, my name is LuTeng wei, I 12 yea盯s old, very honored to attend the interview, my hobbies are a lot, such as painting, dancing, my ideal is in the future when a designer, I introduced the ended. Thank you.