如果一个人对你说you belong with me你怎么回答

belong to 的基本意思是“属于”

1.“(财产)属于···所有” The house belongs to Mr White.

2."属于(国家,团体)的成员 I belong to the new club.

3.“属于某个时期” The dinosaur belongs to the Cretaceous Period.(恐龙属于白垩纪时期)

belong with 主要有以下三方面的意思

1.和somebody同属(某个职业) He is a geography who belongs with Tony.(他和托尼同属于地理学家)

2.与···有关 Poetry belongs with music.(诗和音乐有关)

3.和···住在一起 He belongs with his father.(他和他父亲住在一起) 后记:看看吧,他们简直就是两个样,只是形相近而已.
