《哈佛爱情故事》主题曲的中文意思
Spring,
summer,
fall
&
winter
dreams..
春天
夏天
秋季
冬季
里的梦想
Those
are
shinning
like
a
star
如星辰闪耀
They
keep
whispering,
他们在私语
"I'm
so
in
love
with
you"
我是多么的爱你
Spring,
summer,
fall
&
winter
love..
it
is
breezing
to
my
heart
就象微风吹拂过心田
and
it
keeps
telling,
它在不挺地倾诉
"I'll
make
you
rainbow
smile"
我回让彩虹
remember
when
we
were
angels,
我记得当我们都是天天使的时候
when
we
dreamed
about
us
当我们梦中彼此相见的时候
All
my
days
were
happy
我一整天都是快乐的
just
like
a
snowy
christmas
就象一个漂着雪的圣诞
wish
i'd
have
them
always..
我希望一直拥有这些美好的记忆
Every
step
i
make
writes
a
story
我走的每一步都记载着一个故事
It
is
full
of
the
heart
它充满着我的心灵
feeling
love
of
my
life
and
让我感觉到生命里洋溢的爱
missing
friends
of
my
time
和我一生中思念的朋友
Wish
i'd
have
them
all..
我希望永远拥有它们