1、不想种树,也不想乘凉。I don't want to plant trees or enjoy the cool.
2、不接谁的花,也不陪谁长大。Do not pick up whose flower, also do not accompany who grow up.
3、无心中风月,独钟自己。There is no other in my heart, only like myself.
4、抱歉啊,我自己都顾不上,更何况别人。Sorry, I can't care about myself, let alone others.
5、希望你找一个比我更合适的人。I hope you find someone more suitable than me.
6、有幸让先生着迷,但遗憾未曾心动。I'm lucky to fascinate my husband, but I'm sorry that I haven't been moved.
7、你有你的人生,我有我的旅途,在前方还有等待你的人。You have your life, I have my journey, there are people waiting for you in front.
8、心有所属,但不是你。My heart belongs, but it's not you.
9、我会遇到我的星星,你也会拥有你的月亮。I will meet my stars and you will have your moon.
10、我始终不是那个你值得奔赴的人。I'm not the one you deserve to go to.
11、两袖清风怎敢误佳人。How dare you miss a beautiful woman.
12、.我们还是做朋友好了。We'd better be friends.