dragon boat festival翻译

dragon boat festival翻译:端午节。端午节的英文通常为Dragon Boat Festival. 现在,也常用Loong Boat 来翻译龙舟,以及直接用Duanwu Festival 来表达端午节。一起来看看和端午节相关的习俗和美食吧。


粽子(zongzi?/rice dumplings /sticky rice dumplings) ,也称“角黍”、“筒粽”。在众多传统端午美食中,堪称“C位”明星。因此,吃货们也常常将端午节称为“粽子节”。

The most important traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival is?zongzi?— pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves.

粽子一般由糯米(glutinous rice)制成,内包馅料(fillings),外裹粽叶。粽叶有的地方用竹叶(bamboo leaves),有的用芦苇叶(reed leaves),包裹后的粽子黏而不腻,粽叶清香。相传荆楚人在五月五日煮糯米饭或蒸粽糕投入江中来祭祀屈原。因担心被鱼吃掉,于是用竹筒盛装糯米饭后再投掷到江中。竹筒随后逐渐被粽叶包米替代。

In general, northern Chinese prefer sweet rice dumplings filled with red-bean paste or Chinese dates, while southerners like savory ones with fillings such as egg yolk, pork and mushroom.总体来说,南方人偏爱咸粽子、肉粽子,而北方人则更喜欢甜粽子。

2、赛龙舟dragon boat racing

Dragon boat racing, a traditional Chinese sport originally held to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, has gained global popularity and helped promote exchanges among countries.Unlike the evil or demonic creatures in European mythology, Asian dragons are traditionally believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.


3、吃咸鸭蛋eating salted duck eggs

Tradition has it that it is good to eat salted duck eggs during the Dragon Boat Festival as the burning summer is coming. The salted duck eggs are nutrient-rich and have some effect on the treatment of heatstroke.
