Commands 指令
- 1 |left punch |左拳 -
- 2 |right punch |右拳
- 3 |left kick |左腿
- 4 |right kick |右腿
- 5 |tag button |换人
- any |any button but tag |除换人外任意键
- f |tap forward |轻点前
- F |hold forward |拉住前
- b |tap back |轻点后
- B |hold back |拉住后
- u |tap up |轻点上
- U |hold up |拉住上
- d |tap down |轻点下
- D |hold down |拉住下
- d/f |tap down forward |轻点前下
- D/F |hold down forward |拉住前下
- d/b |tap down back |轻点后下
- D/B |hold down back |拉住后下
- u/f |tap up forward |轻点前上
- U/F |hold up forward |拉住前上
- u/b |tap up back |轻点后上
- N |joystick in neutral |摇杆回中
- qcf |quarter circle forward |摇杆自下向前摇1/4圆
- qcb |quarter circle back |摇杆自下向后摇1/4圆
- hcf |half circle forward |摇杆自下向前摇半圆
- hcb |half circle back |摇杆自下向后摇半圆
-Notations 符号-
- [ ] |optional command |可选指令
- , |followed by |之后
- ~ |immediately after |紧接
- + |at the same time |同时
- ( _ ) |or |或者
- < |delayed input |可延迟
- = |next in sequence |下一招
- ° |push and hold button |按住按钮
- : |requires just frame input |需要在特定帧输入
- ch |requires counter hit |需要反击命中
- cl |requires clean hit |需要完全命中
- big |combo only works on big characters |大型 大型人物限定连续技
- flip | |打翻 将面朝上浮空的对手打成面朝下的状态
- !t |not techable (temblor) |震地 将面朝下浮空的对手打成不可受身的状态
- blocked | |被防御
- ( ) |missing hit is required for the next hit |连技中必要的挥空,只用于按键指令,如:f,f+(2),1
- 简写规则:常用的指令中,大部分的“,”以及方向与按键之间的“+”可能会被省略,如:f,f,N+1+2可能写作ffn1+2 若方向之间有“,”隔开,则斜方向中的“/”可能被省略,如:d/f,d/f+2+4可能写作df,df2+4 连技指令中,空格表示不同固有套路之间的间隔,如:1, 2表示左拳,停顿,右拳;而1,2表示左右连拳 除方向与段位之外,其他字母不分大小写
-First Person State 第一人称状态-
- FC |full crouch animation |蹲踞状态
- WS |while standing up |由蹲踞中起立
- WR |while running |跑动中
- SS |side step either way |横移
- SSL |side step to left |向左横移
- SSR |side step to right |向右横移
- BK |back towards the opponent |背向对手
-Grounded Positions 倒地姿势-
- PLD |play dead position face up & feet away |装死形 仰卧 头朝向你
- KND |knockdown position face up & feet towards |击倒形 仰卧 脚朝向你
- SLD |slide position face down & feet away |滑倒形 俯卧 头朝向你
- FCD |face down position face down & feet towards |压倒形 俯卧 脚朝向你
-Character Specific Stance 人物特殊架构-
- BDS |bad stomach |Dr. Bosconovitch |腹痛
- FB |fall back |Dr. Bosconovitch |后仰
- EFB |electric fall back |Dr. Bosconovitch |带电后仰
- EFF |electric fall fake |Dr. Bosconovitch |带电伪后仰
- HSP |handstand position |Eddy Gordo |倒立
- RLX |relaxed position |Eddy Gordo |坐构
- AOP |art of phoenix |Ling Xiaoyu |凤凰构
- RDS |rain dance stance |Ling Xiaoyu |背向 凌小雨
- LFF |left foot forward |Hwoarang |左构(左脚在前)
- RFF |right foot forward |Hwoarang |右构(右脚在前)
- LFS |left flamingo stance |Hwoarang |左挂(左脚抬起 )
- RFS |right flamingo stance |Hwoarang |右挂(右脚抬起)
- VTS |vale tudo stance Craig |Marduk |坐骑
- DSS |dragon sign stance |Marshall Law |龙构一
- DFS |dragon fake step |Marshall Law |龙构二
- HMS |hit man stance |Lee Chaolan - Violet |狼构
- HBS |hunting bear stance |Kuma - Panda |伏击
- CRA |art of crane |Lei Wulong |鹤形
- SNA |art of snake |Lei Wulong |蛇形
- TGR |art of tiger |Lei Wulong |虎形
- DGN |art of dragon |Lei Wulong |龙形
- PAN |art of panther |Lei Wulong |豹形
- DRU |drunken master |Lei Wulong |醉步
- INS |indian sit |Yoshimitsu |打坐
- FLE |flea stance|Yoshimitsu |地雷刃
- MED |meditation |Yoshimitsu |冥想
- DCK |ducking |Steve Fox |蹲躲
- SWY |sway |Steve Fox |摆步
- LWV |left weave |Steve Fox |左摆
- RWV |right weave |Steve Fox |右摆
- FLK |flicker |Steve Fox |闪烁
-Moves Properties 动作属性-
- BT |your back turned to the opponent |进入背向 (如:King b+4)
- OB |forces opponent's back to face you |使对手背向 (如:Yoshimitsu f+2)
- OS |forces opponent's side to face you |使对手侧向 (如:Hworoang LFF b+4 CH)
- OSB |forces opponent's side to face you when blocked |使对手防御后背向 (如:Hworoang RFF 3~4)
- JG |juggle starter |发动浮空 (如:Julia u/f+4)
- BN |bounce juggle starter |击地反弹发动浮空 (如:Lei TGR 1)
- RC |recover crouching after a move |以蹲踞状态结束 (如:Bryan d/f+3)
- RCj |joystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC |结束时拉住下进入蹲踞状态 (如:Paul d+1)
- CH |requires a counter hit |需反击命中 (如:Julia 1~2~1)
- DS |double over stun |造成双重晕厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2 clean)
- FS |fall back stun |造成后仰晕厥 (如:Nina d/b+2)
- LS |lift stun |造成上升晕厥 (如:Bryan d_d/b+2)
- GS |gut stun |造成击腹晕厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2)
- KS |kneel stun |造成跪地晕厥 (如:Bryan 1+2)
- HS |hunch over stun |造成屈体晕厥 (如:Kazuya d/f+1)
- TS |trip stun |造成蹒跚晕厥 (如:Julia b+3)
- CS |crumple stun |造成击溃晕厥 (如:T4 Kazuya b,b+2 CH)
- CFS |crumple fall stun |造成击溃跌倒晕厥 (如:Kazuya f+1+2)
- CF |crumple fall |造成击溃跌倒 (如:TT Jin b+4 CH)
- BS |low block stagger (to attacking character) |下段被防后崩坏(对攻击方) (如: | |Nina SS+4)
- SH |stagger hit |造成踉跄后退 (如 Nina 4 CH)
- GB |guard break (usually one or two hands go up in the air) |造成防御崩坏(通常一只手或两只手被弹开, | |如:Ogre f,f+4 blocked)
- GC |guard crouch, opponent recovers in crouching guard |迫使对手转入蹲防 (如:King d/f+1 blocked)
- c |CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit) |反击限定(如:JGc意为反击时发动浮空)
- co |crouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco) |对手蹲踞限定 (如:KSco意为击中蹲踞对手时造 | |成跪地晕厥)
- cco |CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco) |反击蹲踞对手限定 (如:FScco意为反击蹲踞对手 | |时造成跪地晕厥)
- # |see corresponding footnote |看相应注解 (如:#6意为看注解6)
-Hit Ranges 攻击段位-
- l |hits low (block d/b) |下段判定 (蹲防)
- m |hits mid (block b) |中段判定 (站防)
- h |hits high (block b or duck) |上段判定 (站防或下蹲闪避)
- L |hits low and grounded opponents (block d/b) |下段判定 可倒地追击 (蹲防)
- M |hits mid and grounded opponents (block b) |中段判定 可倒地追击 (站防)
- Sm |hits special mid (block d/b or b) |特殊中段判定 (站防或蹲防)
- ! |unblockable hit |防御不能
- <!> |unblockable hit which can be ducked |防御不能 可下蹲闪避
- {!} |unblockable hits grounded opponents |防御不能 可倒地追击
- *!* |unblockable hits big grounded opponents |防御不能 对大型人物可倒地追击
- throw | |投技
- " |indicates block point in string hits |十连技中的破绽
-Moves Properties 动作属性-
- BT |your back turned to the opponent |进入背向 (如:King b+4)
- OB |forces opponent's back to face you |使对手背向 (如:Yoshimitsu f+2)
- OS |forces opponent's side to face you |使对手侧向 (如:Hworoang LFF b+4 CH)
- OSB |forces opponent's side to face you when blocked |使对手防御后背向 (如:Hworoang RFF 3~4)
- JG |juggle starter |发动浮空 (如:Julia u/f+4)
- BN |bounce juggle starter |击地反弹发动浮空 (如:Lei TGR 1)
- RC |recover crouching after a move |以蹲踞状态结束 (如:Bryan d/f+3)
- RCj |joystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC |结束时拉住下进入蹲踞状态 (如:Paul d+1)
- CH |requires a counter hit |需反击命中 (如:Julia 1~2~1)
- DS |double over stun |造成双重晕厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2 clean)
- FS |fall back stun |造成后仰晕厥 (如:Nina d/b+2)
- LS |lift stun |造成上升晕厥 (如:Bryan d_d/b+2)
- GS |gut stun |造成击腹晕厥 (如:Kazuya ws+2)
- KS |kneel stun |造成跪地晕厥 (如:Bryan 1+2)
- HS |hunch over stun |造成屈体晕厥 (如:Kazuya d/f+1)
- TS |trip stun |造成蹒跚晕厥 (如:Julia b+3)
- CS |crumple stun |造成击溃晕厥 (如:T4 Kazuya b,b+2 CH)
- CFS |crumple fall stun |造成击溃跌倒晕厥 (如:Kazuya f+1+2)
- CF |crumple fall |造成击溃跌倒 (如:TT Jin b+4 CH)
- BS |low block stagger (to attacking character) |下段被防后崩坏(对攻击方) (如: | |Nina SS+4)
- SH |stagger hit |造成踉跄后退 (如 Nina 4 CH)
- GB |guard break (usually one or two hands go up in the air) |造成防御崩坏(通常一只手或两只手被弹开, | |如:Ogre f,f+4 blocked)
- GC |guard crouch, opponent recovers in crouching guard |迫使对手转入蹲防 (如:King d/f+1 blocked)
- c |CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit) |反击限定(如:JGc意为反击时发动浮空)
- co |crouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco) |对手蹲踞限定 (如:KSco意为击中蹲踞对手时造 | |成跪地晕厥)
- cco |CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco) |反击蹲踞对手限定 (如:FScco意为反击蹲踞对手 | |时造成跪地晕厥)
- # |see corresponding footnote |看相应注解 (如:#6意为看注解6)
-Throw Conventions 摔技用语-
- GS |Giant Swing |巨人回旋 |kings,alex_roger |f,hcf+1
- WM |Waning Moon |残月 |ogres,wang |d/f,d/f+2+4
- COM |Chain of Misery |痛苦锁链 |bryan |fc,d/f,d,d/f+1+2
- MA |Mad Axe |狂斧 |julia |qcb,f+2
- TS |Tomb Stone |墓碑 |kings,alex_roger |d/b,f+2
- | | |jacks |d/b,f+1+2
- pc |position change |换位 |T4所有人物 |1+3
-Strategy Conventions 战略用语-
- step |步法 |人物特有的移动方式
- poke |牵制 |相对安全的试探性攻击
- setup |设计 |指某种圈套,引诱对手进入某种状态的打法
- mixup |混合 |用不同段位的攻击迫使对手选择
- pre-canned string |固有套路 |游戏本身带的套路,招式之间没有收招时间,或收招时间减短,(如:所有十连技,和 | |bryan 1212 julia 111等
- custom string |自设套路 |玩家自己设计的套路,没有特别标准的套路,(如:bob f+4, 2, f+3, b+4....)
- counter hit (ch) |反击命中 |在对方已发动攻击而其判定尚未产生时命中对手
- minor ch (mc) |确定反击 |防住对方的攻击后在其硬直时间内施加无法逃避的反击
- dodge & retaliate |回避反击 |回避对方的攻击后在其硬直时间内施加无法逃避的反击 (whiff punish)
- combo |连续技 |第一招中了,后面就都无法逃脱的一套招式
- natural combo |固有连技 |由一套固有套路或其中的一部分所形成的连续技
- juggle |浮空连技 |用特定攻击将对方浮起后的追击
- launcher |浮起技 |可用浮空连技追打的技巧
- mini juggle |小型浮空 |当对方未经浮起而处于浮空或特定的晕厥状态时直接使用浮空连技 | |(如:以点拳击中跳跃的对手而发动的浮空连技即为小型浮空)
- tech roll catch |受身圈套 |只有对手受身才成立的攻击,(如:bruce d/f+2, b43, ff, b,f+4(tech roll catch) (tech-catch) | |t.o. u/f+4, d/f+2, d+1, ff, d/f+1+2(tech roll catch)...)
- okizeme (oki) |倒地追加 |对倒地的对手进行追打