“晚会上,哥大研究生毋点点极具专业水准的京胡独奏《夜深沉》荡气回肠。” —— 新华网
“哥伦比亚大学东亚系的毋点点,曾在北京举办过钢琴独奏会,在2010年也曾受邀在纽约卡内基音乐厅演奏萧邦舞曲,他在当晚的演出中,用精湛的京胡技巧,演奏了节奏跌宕的「菊花台」,出色演出赢得观众久久不息的掌声,因而加演了钢琴曲「水草舞」。” ——美国世界新闻网
“2010年曾获邀在纽约卡内基音乐厅演奏钢琴的哥伦比亚大学东亚系毋点点,这晚表演拉京胡。他的一曲「菊花台」搏得观众热烈掌声,还得加演一曲钢琴「水草舞」,才下得了台。” ——星岛日报美东版
On December 10, 2011, Diandian Wu will be performing at Carnegie Hall for a second time. For the occasion, he is dedicated to presenting a unique blend of East and West.He will perform Western classical music and Chinese music at the piano and on Chinese instruments. Diandian's ultimate goal is to become a unique artist, combining music, culture, his Chinese heritage, and Western influences. In pursuing his dream, he will undoubtedly create a unique genre that will captivate music enthusiasts, wherever they may be. ——In Hollywood Magazine
By combining western classical music with traditional Chinese music and then throwing in his favorite modern songs from famous films and playing all of the above on largely obscure instruments, it is safe to say that there is no one else approaching live performance quite like Wu, and that he's definitely opening some minds! ——Go Articles
The first part of his unique solo concert at Carnegie Hall will consist of a piano performance, during which he will play pieces by Chopin, Beethoven, and Mozart, but also well-known Western movie scores. During the second part of the concert, he will perform traditional and modern Chinese music on Chinese instruments. ——Examiner (《旧金山晚报》)