sorry seems to be the hardest这首歌的介绍?

Elton John,原名Riginald Kenneth Dwight,英国国宝级的流行男歌手,也是无人不晓的摇滚艺术家。他1947年3月25日出生于伦敦近郊,从4岁起便开始学习钢琴,曾就读于伦敦音乐学院,音乐才华横溢。自19世纪60年代末至今,Elton John已经纵横乐坛近40年,获奖无数,作品也多不胜举。Elton John的歌声给人的感觉,永远象天上的行云,高远流畅。宽阔的音域一派大气,舒展而飘逸,绝无造作或声嘶力竭。从某种角度看,这位歌坛长青树真正的成功原因,还在于他所创作的歌曲极富个人风格和地道的英伦色彩。但是,Elton John的个人魅力绝不止于他辉煌的歌唱生涯。他还是一位慷慨的慈善家,他设立的“Elton John艾滋病基金会”,已经援助了无数艾滋病患者。 歌词大意 sorry seems to be the hardest word 难以开口说抱歉 what i got to do to make you love me? 我做了什么使你爱上了我? what i got to do to make you care? 我做了什么让你在乎 what do i do when lightning strikes me? 当闪电在头上响彻时我做了什么? and i wake to find that you're not there? 当我醒来已发现你不在身边 what i got to do to make you want me? 我做了什么使你需要我? what i got to do to be heard? 我做了什么什么使你听见 what do i say when it's all over? 当一切结束时我该说什么 sorry seems to be the hardest word. 难以开口说抱歉 it's sad, so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 it's a sad, sad situation. 这是一种很悲伤的情形 and it's getting more and more absurd. 而且情况越来越荒谬 it's sad, so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 why can't we talk it over? 为什么我们不能好好谈一谈 oh it seems to me 噢,对我来说 that sorry seems to be the hardest word. 抱歉是最难说出口的话 what do i do to make you want me? 我做了什么使你需要我? what i got to do to be heard? 我做了什么什么使你听见 what do i say when it's all over? 当一切结束时我该说什么 sorry seems to be the hardest word. 难以开口说抱歉 it's sad, so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 it's a sad, sad situation. 这是一种很悲伤的情形 and it's getting more and more absurd. 而且情况越来越荒谬 it's sad, so sad 很悲伤,很悲伤 why can't we talk it over? 为什么我们不能好好谈一谈 oh it seems to me 噢,对我来说 that sorry seems to be the hardest word. 抱歉是最难说出口的话 what i got to do to make you love me? 我做了什么让你爱上我? what i got to do to be heard? 我做了什么让你听见? what do i do when lightning strikes me? 在闪电在头上响彻时我在做什么? what have i got to do? 我该怎么做 what have i got to do? 我该怎么做 when sorry seems to be the hardest word. 当抱歉成了最难说出口的话。。。 也许留心的人会注意到这首歌曲好像在成龙主演的《尖峰时刻3》里曾经出现过,影片里当成龙跟他的搭档说你不是我的兄弟的时候,我们的耳边缓缓的想起了这首《Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word》,真是恰到好处,凡是听过的人们都会有一种莫名的伤感,这伤感不仅来自歌曲本身,更来自我们的内心... 欢迎采纳,虽然是去别处找的,那也纯属个人劳动