
乾隆皇帝东巡时与一女子夏雨荷露水情缘,生下一女:紫薇。雨荷病逝后,紫薇携丫环金锁,从济南到北京欲与父亲相认。紫薇遇见小燕子,把信物交给了她,使得乾隆误以为小燕子是自己的女儿,封她为:还珠格格,而紫薇一直怀恨在心。后紫薇与小燕子解除了误会。乾隆南巡下江南,永琪小燕子尔康紫薇等一并同行。历采莲一事后,永琪小燕子终于相互表明心迹。在乾清宫,皇后向乾隆进谗,说小燕子和紫薇联合起来欺骗皇上。皇上一气之下把小燕子、紫薇和金锁关进了宗人府。小燕子一行人和柳青、柳红向城外逃去,路上紫薇提出不应这样逃走,于是大家又决定一起回宫请罪。 小燕子被皇上判处斩首,但是她以其口才和皇上力争,加上大家都主动请命与小燕子同生***死,乾隆终于软化。乾隆重新册封紫薇为明珠格格、小燕子为还珠郡主,并给小燕子和永琪、尔康和紫薇指婚,并把尔泰指婚给塞娅。此时,紫薇、尔康、小燕子、永琪、塞娅、尔泰这三对有情人终成眷属。

Emperor Qianlong East tour with a Dutch woman Xia Yu dew love, birth to girl: crape myrtle. Yuhe died, the crape myrtle to bring the maid as gold, from Jinan to Beijing with the desire to recognize his father. Lagerstroemia met Swallow, the token to her, making Qianlong mistake Swallow is his daughter, her a: My Fair Princess, the crape myrtle has a grudge. Lagerstroemia lifted after the misunderstanding with the Swallow. Qianlong's southern tour down the south, so be Yongqi Swallow Kang Myrtle peers. A subsequent calendar lotus, Yongqi finally Swallow each other their minds. In the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Queen to the Emperor Qianlong into slander, said the Swallow, and crape myrtle together to deceive the emperor. Emperor angrily to Swallow, crape myrtle and jinsuoguan into cases of human government. Swallow and his party and Liu Qing, Hong Liu fled to the outside, this should not be made the way Myrtle escape, so we decided together with Hui Gong, confessing his sin. Swallow was the emperor sentenced to beheading, but she strive for its eloquence and the emperor, together we all take the initiative to plead with the Swallow with the total death, Qianlong was finally softening. Lagerstroemia canonized as the Pearl of the Qianlong re-formatting, little Swallow was also Sheriff of beads, and a Swallow and Yongqi, Kang, and crape myrtle that marriage, and marriage to Voltaire refers to Seja. At this point, crape myrtle, Erkang, little Swallow, Yongqi, Seja, Fourtet these three pairs of lovers to get married.