
·《非洲的青山》Africa's castle peak 

·《太阳照常升起》The Sun Also Rises 

·《永别了,武器》A Farewell to Arms 

·《第五纵队·西班牙大地》The fifth columns, Spain the earth 

·《曙光示真》True at First Light 

·《不固定的圣节》A Moveable Feast 

·《过河入林》Across the River and into the Trees 

·《丧钟为谁而鸣》For Whom the Bell Tolls 

·《危险的夏天》Dangerous summer 

·《老人与海》The Old Man and the Sea 

·《伊甸园》the Garden of Eden 

·《死在午后》Die in the afternoon

·《岛在湾流中》Island in the Gulf Stream in 

·《有钱人和没钱》A rich man and no money 

·《乞力马扎罗的雪》The Snows of Kilimanjaro 

·《一条好汉》A Man of The World

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