草原英雄小姐妹 英文介绍
草原英雄小姐妹 故事梗概编辑本段一天,她们利用假日自告奋勇为生产队放羊,不料半路上遇到暴风雪。羊群经不住暴风雪的袭击,顺着风势越走越远。姐妹俩冒着刺骨的风雪,一路保护着受惊的羊群。龙梅为救一只埋进雪里的羊和玉荣、羊群失散了。待她找到玉荣时,发现妹妹光着一只脚在走路,那只光脚已冻成了坨子了。龙梅急忙脱下自己的靴子给妹妹穿,可是靴子已冻在了脚上,脱不下来。她只好撕下了袍子的一角,包好妹妹冻僵的脚,背着她艰难地往前走,走着走着,终于倒了下去。由于铁路工人和寻找她们的公社书记等人及时赶到,姐妹俩和羊群都安全脱险。龙梅和玉荣受到了***青团中央的表扬。
The prairie hero little sisters story outline edits this one day, they use the holiday to volunteer graze sheep for the production team, unexpectedly in the halfway comes across the snowstorm. The flock of sheep not being able to stand up to snowstorm's attack, is suitable the circumstances more to walk is farther. The two sisters are braving the piercing wind and snow, a group is protecting the frightened flock of sheep. Long Meiwei rescued Yang He who buried in the snow the jade glory, the flock of sheep to be separate. Treats when she found the jade glory, discovered that a younger sister light foot was walking, that light foot has become the clod frozen. Long Mei takes off her boots to put on hurriedly to the younger sister, but the boots have frozen on the foot, does not take off. She had to tear down Chinese-style gown's one jiao, wrapped securely the younger sister frozen stiff foot, carried her to proceed difficultly, walked is walking, finally but actually. Because the railroad worker and seeks for they people's commune secretary et al. to rush promptly, the two sisters and the flock of sheep safely are out of danger. Long Mei and the jade glory has received the Central Committee of Communist Youth League praise.