零起点大学英语基础教程第三版 text keeping a diary的翻译
Keeping a diary—recording precious moments
It has been a long time since I kept a diary, but I am then thinking more and
more about the value of some kind of journal. Although writing daily in a diary is
tough, it's good a habit to have, especially when learning a language, or if you want to
be some kind of writer. Getting into the habit of writing a little bit everyday, is
supposedly one of the important things a writer can do.
Yesterday, I was thinking about great scenes of movies and I got to thinking
about the great scenes of my own life, scenes that I should remember, that I should
write down somewhere.
As time goes by, I tend to forget those things.
As time goes by, the things tend to lose focus, they tend to become less sharp, they fade a little. So, I'm starting to write stuff down more and more.
It's amazing how many things wakes experience in a day or in a week. but if you
don't take the time to write some of those things down, the days just blur. It's hard to
separate one day from another, time surely does fly by.
Capturing the precious moments in lives with words, in little stories, seems necessary to make your own lives more colorful, even when we feel a little blue.
We can look at those memories, those moments, and feel uplifted.
I hope you agree.