
一说起美元,人们首先想到dollar,也就是我们会说的“(美)刀”,不过人们也爱使用 Buck 来表达美元。Buck本来是雄鹿的意思,据说美洲殖民时期,土著用鹿皮buckskin来充当货币,久而久之 buckskin便被用来指代货币的基本单位了,如今 buck 有(一)美元的意思,相当于dollar。如:这里有一美元,就可以说 Here’s a buck. 另外buck在口语里还经常被用来表达人的状态很不错,you look like a million bucks!

up in the bucks这个词组有“富有的;有钱的”的意思,我希望自己很富有,可以说是“I wish that I am up in the bucks.”,也有口语说“他手头上有钱(尤指有很多钱)”则可以说 He’s in the bucks.

另外buck作动词时有反抗、抵制、与...作斗争等意思,如:我们必须要和厄运作斗争,可以说 We have to buck against bad luck.

因为美元钞票的背面是绿色的,所以美元也通常被美国人称为 greenback(greenbacks). I wish I could make a lot of greenbacks。

I don’t have much dough. 这句话的意思是“我没有很多钱”,本来Dough是生面团的意思,但它可以用来表示金钱。 他努力工作挣钱可以说 He worked hard for his dough.

另外bread也可以引申出钱的意思,如“It’s tough to make bread.”指的是养家糊口不容易啊。

Papermoney 并不是我们用来祭祀祖先的纸钱(funeral money),而是指我们现在逐渐被抛弃的现金纸币,纸币还可以用 Paper Currency、Banknotes、Bank Paper、Currency Notes 这些词。现金硬币则是 hard money 或 metal money,metal money 取其字面意思就是金属制造的硬币

(关于硬币 metal money:有 cent 指面值为10美分的硬币;nickel 指面值为5美分的硬币;dime 指面值为10美分的硬币;quarter 指面值为25美分的硬币;half dollar 指面值为50美分的硬币;dollar 指面值为1美元的硬币。) 一般会把3.5美元说成 Three point five dollars 或者是 Three dollars and fifty cents.

在国外买东西时,不像中国可以扫码支付,老外们要么是现金支付,要么是刷卡或者支票支付。当在超市时,最常听见收银员(cashier)说的是“Are you paying in cash or card?”。那么Plastic money是什么呢?

Plastic money指的是银行卡,英语口语中人们把bank card(银行卡)简称为card,而银行卡有很多种类,如debit card(借记卡)和credit card(信用卡)最为常见,由于银行卡是用塑胶做的,所以老外们在日常对话中一般会把银行卡简称为Plastic,如要问收银员买单时可否刷卡,可以说Do you take plastic? 意为你们可以刷卡吗?

“You should carry some cash with you at all times, don’t always depend on your plastic.”就是说你应该要带些现金在身上,不要总依赖于一张银行卡。

Easy money 字面意思是容易赚来的钱,但是人们把 easy money 引申意思为不义之财。比如“如果我是你的话,我就会努力学习,而不会拿太多时间去思考如何获取那些不义之财”,可以说成 If I were you, I’d study hard and not take a lot of time to figuring out how to make easy money.

“赚快钱的想法让很多人进入毒品交易的陷阱”可以说成:The thought of making easy money draws many people to drug dealing.

另外,easy money在美国口语中也有低利息贷款的意思,easy在商务英语中有表示利息利率低的意思。

Mad money 可不是钱生气了。Mad money 是指女子随身携带的零用钱或者应急备用的钱。在从前,年轻女子跟男朋友出去玩的时候自己身上藏的一点钱,万一跟男朋友吵架了,生气了,那她也至少自己有钱叫出租车回家。也可以说是零用钱、零花钱,如“This is my mad money, I’ll do with it as I please.”意思是我的零花钱,我想怎么花就怎么花。不过现在 Mad money 的用法扩大了很多,更多是指备用的钱,可以在紧急关头使用,如:

“The other day we ran out of gas sixty miles from home. I had forgotten my wallet. But we were lucky, my wife remembered she had her mad money, so we were able to buy gas to get back home.” 这里说的 mad money 就是指为紧急时而备的现金,wallet一般指男士钱包,而purse指女士钱包。

Smart 有聪明、伶俐、漂亮的意思,还可以解释为漂亮、厉害,如赞美朋友穿上新衣服很好看,可以用 You look smart in this new suit. 而 Smart money 很难从字面上看出它的意思, Smart money 是指那些有经验的投资商或者善于赌博的人经管投资的钱。有时候smart money也可以直接指代这些人。如下面两个例子:

下面是一个人对朋友聊经商的前景:“Do you think the economy is heading up or down? The smart money seems to think that business will get better so maybe it’s time to put some money into the stock market.”

有个退休的老人聊到自己的经历时说到:“In the past, interest from my bank account was a good source of income to have after I retire. But interest rates are so low these days that I have to let those smart money people who handle mutual funds take care of my money.” 他说,在过去,从银行存款得到的利息是他退休后很好的一笔收入。但是,现在利率很低,他不得不让那些管理资金的专业人士来经管他的钱。interest 有利益,利息的意思,interest rates 是指利率。

Red money是近年来兴起的词组,我们春节过新年得到的红包叫Red envelope (with Lucky money inside) 或Red pocket。而Red money是指人民币,而且通常特指红色的百元钞票。

1. Money talks 金钱万能

2. (Right) on the money 恰到好处;完全正确;(钱)刚好够的

例:You were right on the money when you said that I would really like that book.


3. Fork some money out ( for something )为某物付出钱财(或许是不情愿的)

例:Forking out lots of money for taxes is part of life.


4. For my money, 写作中常表示“依我看,我认为”,与In my opinion(view)用法相当。