A: I hear that you want to learn English, right?
B: Yes, and I want to learn English so well that an American would take me for an American.
A: That is really good to know. But do you think you can learn English so well by thinking in Chinese?
B: Let me think about it. ...... No, I believe you are right. If I really want to learn English well, I cannot use Chinese, not at all.
A: Now you are talking. Americans do not know any Chinese and good for them. Their English is so good. If you really want to learn English, never use Chinese, never you would.
B: I got it. That is why many of our Chinese cannot learn English. Simply because we have been using Chinese to learn English, to understand English, and to think in Chinese when we want to say or write in English.
A: Exactly. Forget your Chinese and think in English. If you think in English, you will be able to say and write in English. If you think in good English, you will be able to say good English and write good English. If you think in Chinese, it does not matter whether your Chinese is good or bad, it is useless for your English!
B: Thank you very much for letting me really understand what the problem is when we all translate English into Chinese. If we really want to learn English well, never translate English into Chinese, and only understand English in English, and English only.