
大白鲨 JAWS (1,2)

怒海争锋:极地远征 - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

异海深寒 - The Ocean - (2007)

The Guardian (2006)


新海神号历险记 - Poseidon - (2006)

碧海追踪 - Into the Blue - (2005)

颤栗汪洋 / 鲨海22小时 - Open Water - (2003)

Open Water 2 (2005)

深海巨鲨 2 - Shark Attack 2 - (2001)

深海惊魂 - Sub Down - (1997)

海底咒语 - The Evil Below - (1989)

铁金刚勇破海底城 / 007:海底城 - The Spy Who Loved Me - (1977)

泰坦尼克号 - Titanic

深海巨灵大海龟 - The Bermuda Depths - (1978)
